How different is coding language not written by English looks like?

3 min readOct 22, 2020


Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Through out the bootcamp and a little understanding for the coding language. Most of the famous programming languages are pretty much all written in English. Then I start curious about how other coding languages that is not written in English will look like. After discussing my question with one of my friend. We did some thinking, attempting to code in “Ruby + Spanglish,” and reading on the internet, it seems like translating the coding language itself into a different language would be an extremely challenging task. He also mention some additional challenges can happen such as as in an international company where more than one language may be spoken.

Since Spanish is sharing very similar alphabet with English. A lot of time we can find some document that is in Spanish to help those users solving their problem. Such as Ruby Doc in Spanish. But what if it is in Chinese? That is complete different structure compare to English and the alphabet.

Image: Lingdong Huang, A rendering of the divination.wy program written in wenyan-lang.

A rendering of a program written in wenyan-lang to draw the Mandelbrot set.

There are actually people out there trying to create a Chinese words base programming language.

The new language’s developer, Lingdong Huang, previously designed an infinite computer-generated Chinese Landscape painting. I am really surprise how he convert those classical Chinese language into programming. He used both traditional Chinese characters and classical Chinese grammar. One of challenge they have is classical Chinese does not use spaces to divide sentences into words. To overcome this challenge, Huang notes that programming languages only possess a set amount of keywords. As such, wenyan-lang goes from the longest keyword to the shortest keyword in each program to decipher what the programmer wants, “and it works”

Image: Lingdong Huang

Wenyan-lang programming window and corresponding JavaScript.

As right now, wenyan-alng contributors are working on transpilers for Python, Ruby, JavaScript, C++ and Java, for graphics and the graphical user interface(GUI). But I cant wait to see this language will become in the future. There are so many space that coding language can change and develop.

Ron Garan — ‘We are limited only by our imagination and our will to act.

